Running a small business can be very difficult. It’s hard enough to juggle all your commitments without letting any of your clients down. Should you really add more to your list of responsibilities?
This may be your exact same thoughts while pondering on whether to start a blog for your business or not. And let me tell you, I completely understand your dilemma. Nobody said entrepreneurship was gonna be a breeze – no matter how small your business may be. It’s gonna take effort and determination to really come out on top.
And today we are going to discuss all the reasons why you should churn out that extra effort – just to run a blog for your business. Trust me, it’s worth it.
In fact, blogging takes minimal time and effort. At the same time, it reaps you many, many great benefits. It’s an inexpensive way to really boost your business efforts.
So what exactly are those reasons? Why do business bloggers report having more customers than they used to? Why do they consider their blogs critical to their success? Let’s take a closer look.
1. A blog will increase your online visibility
Have you ever heard of the term Search Engine Optimization or SEO? It’s the primary way that you can stay visible in the interconnected web known as the internet. Just imagine the sheer volume of articles being published online every single day. Now imagine how many of those active bloggers also run a business. If you don’t have a blog, those competitors who are in the same business as you will have a huge advantage because potential customers can see them online. They manage to introduce their business on a medium that doesn’t even require their personal presence.
By blogging consistently, you create opportunities to plug your business, while also increasing your visibility in search engine results pages. Just imagine how beneficial it would be to have your business blog on the first page of a Google search. Imagine how many clicks it will get on a daily basis. Imagine how many of those clicks will translate into customers and how many will convert into sales.
That’s what you’ve been missing out on.
2. It will help you connect with your existing customers
Let’s face it, sometimes it’s easier to stay connected with the people who already trust and love your products and services, rather than trying to attract new ones. Through a business blog, you can consistently give out helpful tips to your loyal customers. You are giving them value in the form of information – and they don’t even have to spend a single dollar (unless you require a membership fee, of course)! Now what does this give you? Well, for starters, it keeps your customers loyal. It keeps them by your side.
You can even benefit from this through the comments section, because you are allowing those clients to provide honest and valuable feedback.
A blog builds trust, and provides you with valuable insight into what your customers are really looking for.
3. It will help you attract potential customers
In addition to simply letting you hold on to the followers you already have, a blog inspires the possibility of earning new ones. Those people who live far away from you, and those who couldn’t possibly hear about your business through simple word of mouth can all be introduced to your products and services. The internet is a wide ocean of information, and you can reach those potential clients by, well, casting your net. Most transactions are done online these days, so why not get in on that action and get hundreds of new customers?
4. It helps you practice your creative marketing skills
This is a more personal kind of benefit. It doesn’t directly affect your business, but it affects you as a business person. Blogging can help you sharpen your writing abilities and enhance your creative marketing skills. It allows you to be more proactive in terms of handling your business, instead of just waiting for the customers to come around.
A blog will establish you as a creative force that will let potential clients know that you mean business.
5. It lets you establish your company as a trustworthy brand
Branding is very important these days. Most of the time, people will ignore a small company simply because they know a more popular brand. By blogging consistently, you establish yourself as a trustworthy source of the specific products and services you offer. You’re no longer just some small-time entrepreneur – you’re a brand.
When you manage to achieve this, you start earning the trust of even those who were unfamiliar with your services. They see you in a different, more professional light – and all because they’ve seen your blog and they’ve seen what you can do.
Over time, you become a “go to” resource for helpful, informative content. This eventually leads to higher customer conversion rates.
6. It helps you form a solid foundation for your company
We’ve talked about branding, but we haven’t mentioned how important it is to establish business as a company with a vision – and a solid pathway into a successful future. When clients see you this way, they will start pouring out their support. Blogging gives others a sense of your corporate standards, as well as your personality as a business owner. By simply posting a couple of times a week you begin to figure out what you want to achieve for this company as time goes on. You begin dreaming again – and that’s one thing you’ll want to hold on to if you really want to succeed.
7. It creates opportunities for viral marketing strategies
If you’ve been on the internet for at least longer than a week, you surely know what it means when I say that a certain piece of content has “gone viral”. Like an infection, a certain post can spread into the “body” of the World Wide Web, giving it the opportunity to reach the whole world. Imagine having this kind of power. Imagine posting about a product and having it go viral. All the potential customers will see your product, your brand, and your business. The spotlight will be on you. And it may be a one in a million kind of chance for a post to go viral, but at least you have that chance at all. It’s something you certainly won’t achieve when your business doesn’t even have a blog.
Write thoughtful articles that relate to your business. Put out similar posts at least once a week. See what happens.