Do you have a Profitable Idea?

How do you know when you have a profitable idea?

Yesterday, I had the pleasure of teaching a Social Media Awareness class to a group of parents at a local school. The first class was packed and the second was doubled.

After the class so many people walked up to me and said that they really enjoyed it and they really got a clear idea of social media and how important it is to teach their children the effects of it. You should of heard the aha moments.

As I was driving back home my assistant said to me “you know what Nyala the class was so good. I think you should go around Pennsylvania teaching this class in different schools” The parents really need this information.

So of course the entrepreneur inside of rang DING DING DING, thinking this might be an idea. Once I got home and I had a chance to get back on the computer I started thinking, How can I  market this class to local schools? Should I draft a general email and send it out? Should I have my assistant start calling and scheduling appointments?  Then it hit me, schools are in the business of raising money not giving away money.

In other words it would be very difficult to market this idea. Of course I went through numerous scenarios of how I would be able to make this a profitable venture. Here’s what I ended up deciding. I am going to do this class 4 times a year as my way of giving back. Isn’t that awesome! I guess it’s profitable after all!

In conclusion, I wrote this because I want you to take time to think about your idea. Think about your business objective. Can it really be profitable? Would it take too much of an investment? How much time do you have to invest in this idea? Leave your comments below! Tell me if you’ve experienced something similar

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