With the explosion of visual content in the last year, it’s getting harder than ever for brands to get noticed and persuade their target audiences to take action.
One way to rise above the noise is to consistently integrate your brand into your visuals, through a consistent, well-thought-out template of color, typography, and design.
What’s driving this explosion in visual content? A growing number of bloggers and businesses are recognizing its awesome power to communicate in powerful ways that words alone cannot. At the same time, apps and tools have matured to the point where nearly anyone can create and distribute attractive-looking images and info-graphics tailored for a variety of social media channels.
There’s only one problem: A lot of it looks the same and doesn’t communicate or persuade very well. Just as buying a canvas, paint, and brushes doesn’t make you a Picasso, nor does using tools like Canva and PicMonkey transform you into a kick-ass graphic designer. I’m not criticizing these tools; I’m just saying that a brand is more than a logo or a specific font. It’s an expression of your customers’ experience. Accordingly, it deserves careful thought and planning.
Just as visitors to your website make decisions about your company based upon its visual appeal, usability, and the quality of the content it contains, the same thing happens in microcosm with every piece of visual content you publish. Well-crafted visuals can help you build trust, differentiate your company, and grow your business. Conversely, poorly-conceived visual content can damage your audience’s perceptions of your brand.
SO, Where should I start?
I say the easiest way to brand yourself on social media is by
- having a logo designed
- picking your colors and sticking to it, and the most important
- Always have your logo or name on your pictures before posting.
Of course branding yourself or your business goes deeper but these tips will help you get started immediately.
Now, I don’t want you to be fooled. Branding yourself is not easy. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve re-branded my business. Success at social media is all about trying new things, analyzing your results, and making adjustments. If you don’t get it at first TRY TRY TRY and TRY again! If you’ve found this information useful ADD A COMMENT!!
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