Have you been hearing about Facebook Group Marketing?
Seeing group posts every time you go on your newsfeed?
Do you want to connect with targeted groups of people?
Would you like to be more visible on Facebook?
Facebook groups give you an opportunity to network with your industry peers as well as potential customers.
In this article, you will get a better understanding on Facebook Group Marketing
Why Join Facebook Groups?
One of the biggest reasons to join Facebook groups is the visibility and networking they offer. On any given day that I look in my news feed, I see many posts from groups that I’m active in, but fewer from pages that I like.
When you’re looking at a new group, read the About section to see the mission of the group. This will give you a feel for whether it’s right for you. You may also find that the group restricts membership based on certain qualifications.
No group is going to be a valuable place to participate if it’s just a bunch of sales messages with no-one contributing conversation. Many groups have rules about what you can and can’t post. Some allow a little bit of promotion, but with qualifications—such as only promoting on certain days or within certain threads.
How To Find Facebook Groups
If you’re looking for a Facebook group to join, you can take Facebook’s suggestions or you can search with Facebook’s Graph Search.
Watch this short video we created on two ways you can search for Facebook groups:
Learn How to Leverage Facebook Groups For Your Business – Leveraging Facebook Groups
In Conclusion
When you post in groups regularly, you never know where your connections may lead. You can form strategic partnerships, get referrals or land new customers. By choosing your groups carefully, you’ll increase your chances for success.
What about you? What has your experience been with Facebook Group Marketing? Have they led to more business?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.