What Can Having A Brand Do For Me And My Business?

Branding is a critical part of any business. It’s also the most overlooked part of a business.

Many businesses overlook the potential of what a brand can really do. So today I’m going to talk to you a little bit about why you need a brand.

Number one, a brand is not just having a logo. A logo is a symbol that represents your brand. So for instance, whenever you see that big giant yellow M you know that that is McDonald’s before even seeing the word McDonald’s. A brand is an emotion behind the business. A brand is how a person feels when they interact with your company. Although having a logo is important and it is needed before you can start building the brand its just a visual identification. Your brand should be unique, consistent, and you should have a well put together brand strategy.

What Can Having A Brand Do For Me And My Business?

Branding helps you communicate the difference between you and your competitors to your audience. If you’re thinking about re-branding for the new year you want to discover where your brand stands now, there are a few questions you should consider:

  • The big idea – what is your company about?

  • Values – what do you believe in?

  • Vision – where do you want to be?

  • Personality – how do you want to be perceived?

These answers will help you define your brand.  It will help you create solid strategies on how to present your brand to your audience. Click the button below for a FREE Branding Checklist. Once completed you will be ready to create your brand design.



Here are some important factors of an effect Brand design:

  • Fonts:  Choose your desired fonts. (Heading, Sub Heading, Paragraph) Use your fonts consistently on company documents and social media.

  • Colors: Choose your first, second, and third degree colors. Make sure you have your color codes. When you are working with a Branding company, they will give you a file with your Brand design.

  • Image Style:  No matter if you are using designed graphics or photos you take with a camera. You need to have a consistent feel. Maybe use the same filter, or having the same undertones. Create an image that is both visually attractive and attracts your ideal customer or client.

  • Layout:  Creating templates for my social media posts, blog posts, and email help me keep  my brand in check.


As your business grows your brand design might change but if you start with the foundations a re-design will never hurt your business. So, that is all for today. Don’t forget to get your BRANDING CHECKLIST.

Do you have any questions about designing your Brand? Ask them below!


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